Wednesday 30 October 2019

Reflection time - Ask yourself!

So every once in a while, I'd like you to ask yourself a question and delve deeper into your mind and self, in the search of your true self or your best. So here it goes:

In which area in your life are you currently compromising? 

Which part of your life is not getting the amount of attention it should be right now? 

And if you want to dive really deep: Why is that? 

So for me, that would be not taking enough care of myself. It seems all day I'm racing around doing jobs, feeding pets and kids, cleaning them and the house (or attempting it) and generally keeping it together. By the end of the day, it still seems like my to do list isn't even half crossed off. I just keep pushing and pushing, losing my mind on the way. So the breaking points are my hands, my sleep and my attention span.

Why am I doing this? I don't actually know, I probably should be asking myself more often, because I really know better. You cannot serve others fully if your own glass is half empty. I guess I've been like that my whole life "Just get one more job done, then you won't have to do it the next day" But there was always another to-do to fill its place.

Let me know in the comments below what area in your life you could give a little more attention to.

Take it steady, look after yourselves!


  1. Can relate to this so much! And if I ever do have a rare spare minute all i want to do is sit and do nothing because who has that much energy?? 🙈

    1. Definitely, especially with little ones in the house. But I guess the trick is to actively take the time and stop crossing off the to-do's, as hard as it might seem at the beginning. It's so worth it.
