Thursday 7 November 2019

Reflection Time - Ask yourself

Are you ready for another round of reflection time?
Let's get started:

So for this week, I thought about gratitude. Try to think of something that has happened to you in the past that you consider to be a negative experience which had quite the impact on you.

Is there anything about that experience that you could be grateful for?
Has it maybe led you to change something for the better in your life?

A while back, we had just moved house, with a young toddler and me being pregnant. This being stressful enough as it is, we got into trouble with the previous renter of the flat. A misunderstanding which came down to the landlord telling us one information and the previous renter another. Long story short, the previous renter kept knocking on our door demanding money and even went as far as to send his friends round threatening us. The final straw was that we got an anonymous letter through the post, with cut out newspaper letters and random names inside (amongst ours). Needless to say, this gave me quite a fright and even worse the police refused to investigate.
So there I was, pregnant and with a toddler at home, scared of every knock on the door. 

So, what on earth can you be grateful for, you may ask.

Well, this feeling of helplessness led to my husband quitting his job, fully committing to successfully setting up his own business and us moving to our current house. This would have never happened if it wasn't for that creepy letter.

I try to see the positive in things wherever possible and I am now quite thankful for this, even if it was pretty uncomfortable at the time.

Let me know in the comments below if you found anything to be grateful for in retrospect. I'd love for you to share your success story!

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