Monday 18 November 2019

This Is How Successful People Manage Their Time

Time Management-Prioritizing and Recording Tasks to Feel Productive and Accomplished

In this article I will discuss a time management strategy and an accountability strategy that, when applied together, make sure that you finish your most important tasks for the day and leave you feeling a sense of accomplishment. I will first discuss what each of these strategies are, and then I will discuss the steps on how to put these strategies to work for you. Finally, I will suggest another time management strategy that I recommend you learn more about to save even more time and increase your sense of accomplishment even more.
Time Management Strategy
To manage your tasks efficiently, a proven time management strategy is making a to-do list, prioritizing your most important tasks to finish, and completing those tasks first. There is no rocket science to this strategy--all that it asks of you is to figure out exactly what tasks you need to get done. Then it asks you to number, rank, assign importance to those tasks.
Accountability Strategy
To increase your sense of accomplishment as you management your tasks, there is a simple accountability strategy you can use--recording your accomplished tasks. When you finish completing a task, no matter how big or small, you can write/record that you have finished it, giving you an instant sense of accomplishment and provides motivation to move on to successfully complete your next task.
How to Use These Together
Managing your time and increasing your sense of accomplishment is fairly simple once you follow these seven steps to implement both of these strategies together. First, you will use the time management strategy, and then, before moving on to accomplish your next task, you will complete the accountability strategy described above. Once finished with both, repeat the entire process to continue productively managing your time and feelings of accomplishment.
Step 1: Write Down Your Tasks to Be Completed--When using the prioritization strategy for time management it's important to know everything that you feel you need to accomplish before beginning to prioritize what tasks will make you feel most accomplished. To do this write down or type everything that you need to do to feel that you are done with your work for the day period delete be as specific as possible. Finally try to group tasks into tasks and sub-tasks.
Step 2: Prioritize Your Top Tasks--Once you have written all of the tasks you need to complete it's important to review your list closely to identify which three to five tasks to prioritize. An easy way to prioritize tasks is by asking yourself, "what would happen if I finish this task today?," and "what would happen if I did not finish this task today?" Whichever task has the most benefits to finishing and/or the most drawbacks to not finishing the task should be most highly prioritized.
Step 3: Choose the Correct Task to Actively Work On--Once you have prioritized your top tasks, choose the task that upon completion, will make you feel as though you were highly productive, and if possible, will make you feel accomplished for the day--even if you did not complete anything else. This is the first task you should attempt to complete.
Step 4: Complete the Task--Once you have prepared to complete your prioritized task, it is time to take action and actually complete your task. If you have trouble finishing the task in one sitting, try setting a timer for a certain period of time, taking a five-minute break when the timer goes off, and then refocusing on completing the task once your break is over.
Step 5: Taking Out Your Achievement Tracker--When you have fully completed the task at hand, it is time to take out your achievement tracker. You achievement tracker is simply a dated list of tasks and responsibilities that you have completed. Your tracker should be easily accessible, such as in a notebook or journal you keep in your work environment, or in a document that can be easily located and re-saved on your computer.
Step 6: Use Your Achievement Tracker--When you have your achievement tracker, you should write down the name and a short description of the task you just completed. A short description, particularly of more complex tasks, will make your achievement tracker more meaningful and motivating as you give yourself "extra credit" or a description, of what work and effort you had to put in just to accomplish completing that particular task.
Step 7: Repeat--When you finish with your task and updating your achievement tracker, you can now repeat this process--starting on the third step and working on your next most highly prioritized task.
By the way, if you would like to learn more about time management strategies, you can download my free "Batch Processing Toolkit" which includes an audio training on the time management strategy of batch processing as well as a batch processing infographic and checklist by clicking here:
My name is Jazmin Leon, and I am a certified master coach whose primary work involves guiding clients in how to build positive habits to increase their satisfaction with their ability to balance their professional and personal lives and learning how to develop the work life balance they deserve to live. I have a background in neuroscience and psychology, advanced educational learning techniques and instructional design, and have spent years studying how to effectively prevent and reduce burnout and increase work life balance among busy professionals.

Article Source:

Sunday 17 November 2019

How To Multiply Your Time | Rory Vaden | TEDxDouglasville

Productivity - How to Be Productive at Work Daily

In this article, I will be discuss simple steps to take action on each day at work to accomplish more in less time. By following these steps, you will learn how to be productive at work on a daily basis.
Benefits of Increasing Productivity
Learning how to be more productive, especially at work, typically results in you increasing the efficiency with which you complete your tasks. Completing more work in less time has many benefits from the obvious benefit of freeing up more of your time for non-work related tasks, increasing your motivation to continue to be productive, increasing your sense of accomplishment and reducing your overall stress levels.
Then of course, there are the positive work benefits that come from increasing your productivity--especially on a daily basis. By being able to complete more work in less time with the high level of quality that you typically complete your work-related tasks, you are literally achieving more at work. Achieving more at work usually earns you benefits that will likely impact your life, and your work life balance, positively.
How to be Productive at Work Daily
There is no one set of strategies or steps to becoming "productive," and what leads to success for one person may be a disastrous strategy for another person to try to follow. As a result, I encourage you to test out each of the steps below, and decide for yourself which of the steps will be effective at increasing your productivity at work, and that are therefore worth the effort to put into action, and continue using, until you see positive results. These positive results likely will not happen after just one attempt, rather try each step out for at least a week before making a final decision on whether that particular strategy is personally beneficial for you to pursue.
Step 1: Tie Rewarding Tasks for Finishing Work Tasks: To increase your productivity daily at work, you can tie enjoying a rewarding task with accomplishing a less rewarding and/or necessary work-related task.
For example, you can delay enjoying a rewarding task, such as having your first cup of coffee or tea, until after you complete one work-related task. Or, you can delay checking any social media until you've completed three work-related tasks.
Step 2: Shift Your "Productivity" Schedule: Everyone experiences a natural lull in energy at some throughout the day. If you are working outside of the home, in a 9-5 or similar job, that lull in energy typically (but not always) comes during the late afternoon.
Shift your work schedule by one hour so that you are leaving work, or at least not attempting to be highly productive, by 4:00 p.m. or whenever your energy lull happens to be. This will ensure that you have more energy to be productive during work hours that you decide will be productive, and reduces your stress levels by not creating unrealistic expectations of what you should accomplish right before the 5:00 p.m. end of day hits.
Step 3: Snacking to Keep Your Energy and Productivity Up: Continuing with the idea that people naturally have more energy to be highly productive at certain times of day, you should also be aware of how the food you eat can positively increase the energy you have and can help you to be more productive.
Foods, typically fruit such as apples, oranges, and bananas, or other foods like honey and agave, are high in both fructose and sucrose. These are two sugars that serve different energy purposes in your body, one giving you a short term energy boost while the other gives you energy over a longer period of time. In either case, by snacking puposefully, you can help make sure that you have the stamina to finish your work day strong and with the high level of productivity you started your day with.
Step 4: Start and End Your Day With Special Tasks: For most people, the most challenging part of experiencing consistently high levels of productivity is finding the motivation to just start working. To help with this problem, try giving yourself select tasks to work on to start and end your day.
To begin your day successfully and to quickly achieve productivity in your day, the first task you should try to accomplish is something fairly short, simple and/or enjoyable to complete. This will ensure that you finish your first task of the day, and that you are left with positive feelings of motivation and accomplishment from doing so.
To end your day, and prepare for the next day, leave work when you are only halfway done with a particular task that can be completed the next day without having a negative impact on your work. Most people feel uncomfortable with "unfinished" work, and this sense of not finishing your work and the discomfort that comes with it will provide a reliable source of motivation to start your work immediately the next day to be able to get to and complete your previous day's unfinished task.
By the way, if you would like to learn more about productivity strategies, you can download my free audio training "How to Create Your Productive Work Environment" by clicking here:
My name is Jazmin Leon, and I am a certified master coach whose primary work involves guiding clients in how to build positive habits to increase their satisfaction with their ability to balance their professional and personal lives and learning how to develop the work life balance they deserve to live. I have a background in neuroscience and psychology, advanced educational learning techniques and instructional design, and have spent years studying how to effectively prevent and reduce burnout and increase work life balance among busy professionals.

Article Source:

Saturday 16 November 2019

Smart Work & Time Management - By Sandeep Maheshwari

Your Values, Your Choices, Your Power and Your Time

Your time choices are the building blocks of your moments, days, weeks, months, and years. And your values are key ingredients in your time choices.
So becoming aware of your values is a very important consideration when it comes to time management.
Values and Time Choices
Time is absolute, concrete and universal. In practice what that means is that your time is limited. So how you spend your time -- the choices you make about it -- define your life.
Does that sound daunting to you?
You can choose to see it that way... or you can see it as a challenge and an adventure. We humans have been puzzling out the mysteries of time for a very long time.
And there are no general answers to the challenges or to the mysteries. No, the answers are all personal. What works for you will be unique to you -- just as your values are.
A touchstone...
We have choices about how we see and feel about this.
As you can tell, I keep coming back to that touchstone -- choices. We can approach the fact that time is irreversible with fear or with respect. It's entirely up to us. And that's powerful.
If you lead with fear about "losing time" you might panic, procrastinate, or feel overwhelmed. That way, you generate more anxiety... and probably more lost time!
Ground yourself...
On the other hand, if you approach this as reality, it can help you make time choices that more closely match your value system. This is what I call values-driven time management - a powerful tool for meaning-filled living.
When you think about your time, your values, and your time choices what comes to mind?
Identifying your values and making them visible to you serves as a powerful and profound guide when making choices about your time. Listen to yourself and the messages from your heart. Are your values and your time choices in sync?
Do you hear harmony or dissonance?
Let's explore time together...
And to move toward your Heart-Based Time Success, sign up for our free gift, The Finding Time Success Kit, which includes "The New Finding Time Boundary Template: 9 Simple, Sequential Steps to Find More Time and Recharge Your Energy!" Using a workbook format this powerful and practical time template helps you progress beyond disappointment and frustration. Discover that 24 hours really are enough!
Just click this link to get started:

Article Source:,-Your-Choices,-Your-Power-and-Your-Time&id=10130631

Friday 15 November 2019

How to gain control of your free time | Laura Vanderkam

How To Use Your Time To Create The Life You Want

How you use your time is just one of the variables to success. I'm not talking about the passage of time because time just is. It's what you do with the time that you have that matters. One of the secrets to success is knowing how much time to spend on the right things at the right time in the right order to get the results you want in your life.
We have so many distractions these days that it's so easy to be swayed off course. So how do you know when you're using your time effectively and when you're not?
1. Get the Balance Right
It's all about balance. If you feel you're working too slowly, how can you speed up such that you're still fully present with the task at hand, you're minimising errors and you're in that alpha brainwave state (where you're fully absorbed in what you're doing)? If work is coming in at a faster pace than your working pace you know you need to reduce the time you're spending on tasks or increase your pace.
If you're rushing around in a state of unhealthy stress (yes there is healthy stress... it's called moderate pressure!) what do you need to do to slow down and bring a sense of calmness and balance back into your being?
If you're being drawn away from what you're doing by social media and time is just passing you by, what strategies and stops do you need to put in place to ensure that you minimise those distractions? It's all about finding that fine line between speed and pace, between stress and pressure, between distraction and taking a break.
How you view what you're engaged in at any point in time is key to how successfully you do what you do. It's about gaining that clarity in your mind. For example if you feel your pace is too slow or to fast on a particular day and you've got a long list of tasks to accomplish that day, get clear about why your pace is the way it is.
Look back at what you were doing yesterday. Did you have a full-on day yesterday, or was your day too easy? In which case should you have scheduled in a lighter day today or a more active one? How did you sleep last night? If you spent the night tossing and turning and hardly slept that might be a clue that maybe your body just needs rest today. If you slept soundly last night this is going to contribute to an extra boost of energy for you.
Look at what you've been eating over the last few days. If it's empty calories that give you the feeling of fullness but lack nourishment, this is going to drain your energy levels. If, however, you've been taking in food and drink packed with E numbers you may find yourself bouncing off the walls. All of these aspects are going to have an impact on the time you spend, so planning your days effectively taking account of your energy levels is crucial.
2. Understand How You Respond
Another indicator as to whether your life is working for you time wise is how well you're moving towards what you want in life. A measure of this is how you're responding at the end of each day to what you've achieved... or not. If you feel disappointed because once again you've not accomplished what you wanted to achieve, perhaps it's because once again you've unrealistically tried to fit too many tasks into one day.
By asking yourself certain questions about the activities you undertake will begin to give you an understanding of how well you're using your time. Do you feel your task is too big, too small, too boring? Maybe you're unclear on exactly what it is you need to do. Perhaps you lack clarity on how you're going to do what it is you want to do.
3. Prioritize Your Activities
Maybe what's needed is some time to clearly define your activity, why you're doing it and to work out a simple strategy that will at least get you moving. Sometimes when you take a few moments to take just these simple steps, your energy levels begin to stabilise because confusion, frustration and uncertainty begin to wane.
Taking some time to simply prioritize your tasks according to their level of importance, timing each one and deciding when you are going to tackle each is an amazingly freeing activity on a mental level that will begin to move you forward. Adopting this more practical approach will also help you to learn more about how you naturally work, and to work in accordance with this.
4. Get Clear on Your Outcomes
The clearer you can be about your desired achievements, the more constructively you'll find yourself using your time. How to do this is relatively simple:
  • Get really clear on exactly what you want to achieve
  • Map out your strategy for getting there
  • Break your project down into prioritized and timed phases and tasks
  • Get to work!
  • Evaluate on an ongoing basis what's working and what's not
  • Make the necessary adjustments along the way
  • Stay open-minded to what success will look like
  • Keep going until you get to where you want to go (or to the closest version of it)
  • Rinse and repeat
It's a simple system, but it's not necessarily easy, and a key part of this is how you use the time at your disposal to get to your outcome. When you begin to use your time more effectively by following the strategies above, you can begin to achieve the exact outcomes you want to manifest, and from there start to carve out the exact life you want to live.
Carmen Gilfillan is the founder of Stimulus Development & Training. Stimulus specialises in helping people overcome emotional trauma, experience emotional breakthroughs and live their best lives. We do this through Life & Wellness Coaching, Emotional Freedom consultations and training in the areas of personal, professional and spiritual growth. Check out our website at to book your free Emotional Breakthrough consultation.

Article Source:

Thursday 14 November 2019

Don't Waste Your Time - By Sandeep Maheshwari

Time Management-Prioritizing and Recording Tasks to Feel Productive and Accomplished

In this article I will discuss a time management strategy and an accountability strategy that, when applied together, make sure that you finish your most important tasks for the day and leave you feeling a sense of accomplishment. I will first discuss what each of these strategies are, and then I will discuss the steps on how to put these strategies to work for you. Finally, I will suggest another time management strategy that I recommend you learn more about to save even more time and increase your sense of accomplishment even more.
Time Management Strategy
To manage your tasks efficiently, a proven time management strategy is making a to-do list, prioritizing your most important tasks to finish, and completing those tasks first. There is no rocket science to this strategy--all that it asks of you is to figure out exactly what tasks you need to get done. Then it asks you to number, rank, assign importance to those tasks.
Accountability Strategy
To increase your sense of accomplishment as you management your tasks, there is a simple accountability strategy you can use--recording your accomplished tasks. When you finish completing a task, no matter how big or small, you can write/record that you have finished it, giving you an instant sense of accomplishment and provides motivation to move on to successfully complete your next task.
How to Use These Together
Managing your time and increasing your sense of accomplishment is fairly simple once you follow these seven steps to implement both of these strategies together. First, you will use the time management strategy, and then, before moving on to accomplish your next task, you will complete the accountability strategy described above. Once finished with both, repeat the entire process to continue productively managing your time and feelings of accomplishment.
Step 1: Write Down Your Tasks to Be Completed--When using the prioritization strategy for time management it's important to know everything that you feel you need to accomplish before beginning to prioritize what tasks will make you feel most accomplished. To do this write down or type everything that you need to do to feel that you are done with your work for the day period delete be as specific as possible. Finally try to group tasks into tasks and sub-tasks.
Step 2: Prioritize Your Top Tasks--Once you have written all of the tasks you need to complete it's important to review your list closely to identify which three to five tasks to prioritize. An easy way to prioritize tasks is by asking yourself, "what would happen if I finish this task today?," and "what would happen if I did not finish this task today?" Whichever task has the most benefits to finishing and/or the most drawbacks to not finishing the task should be most highly prioritized.
Step 3: Choose the Correct Task to Actively Work On--Once you have prioritized your top tasks, choose the task that upon completion, will make you feel as though you were highly productive, and if possible, will make you feel accomplished for the day--even if you did not complete anything else. This is the first task you should attempt to complete.
Step 4: Complete the Task--Once you have prepared to complete your prioritized task, it is time to take action and actually complete your task. If you have trouble finishing the task in one sitting, try setting a timer for a certain period of time, taking a five-minute break when the timer goes off, and then refocusing on completing the task once your break is over.
Step 5: Taking Out Your Achievement Tracker--When you have fully completed the task at hand, it is time to take out your achievement tracker. You achievement tracker is simply a dated list of tasks and responsibilities that you have completed. Your tracker should be easily accessible, such as in a notebook or journal you keep in your work environment, or in a document that can be easily located and re-saved on your computer.
Step 6: Use Your Achievement Tracker--When you have your achievement tracker, you should write down the name and a short description of the task you just completed. A short description, particularly of more complex tasks, will make your achievement tracker more meaningful and motivating as you give yourself "extra credit" or a description, of what work and effort you had to put in just to accomplish completing that particular task.
Step 7: Repeat--When you finish with your task and updating your achievement tracker, you can now repeat this process--starting on the third step and working on your next most highly prioritized task.
By the way, if you would like to learn more about time management strategies, you can download my free "Batch Processing Toolkit" which includes an audio training on the time management strategy of batch processing as well as a batch processing infographic and checklist by clicking here:
My name is Jazmin Leon, and I am a certified master coach whose primary work involves guiding clients in how to build positive habits to increase their satisfaction with their ability to balance their professional and personal lives and learning how to develop the work life balance they deserve to live. I have a background in neuroscience and psychology, advanced educational learning techniques and instructional design, and have spent years studying how to effectively prevent and reduce burnout and increase work life balance among busy professionals.

Article Source:

Time Management - How to Batch Process Tasks to Save Time and Energy

Article Source: 

Wednesday 13 November 2019


Productivity - How to Be Productive at Work Daily

In this article, I will be discuss simple steps to take action on each day at work to accomplish more in less time. By following these steps, you will learn how to be productive at work on a daily basis.
Benefits of Increasing Productivity
Learning how to be more productive, especially at work, typically results in you increasing the efficiency with which you complete your tasks. Completing more work in less time has many benefits from the obvious benefit of freeing up more of your time for non-work related tasks, increasing your motivation to continue to be productive, increasing your sense of accomplishment and reducing your overall stress levels.
Then of course, there are the positive work benefits that come from increasing your productivity--especially on a daily basis. By being able to complete more work in less time with the high level of quality that you typically complete your work-related tasks, you are literally achieving more at work. Achieving more at work usually earns you benefits that will likely impact your life, and your work life balance, positively.
How to be Productive at Work Daily
There is no one set of strategies or steps to becoming "productive," and what leads to success for one person may be a disastrous strategy for another person to try to follow. As a result, I encourage you to test out each of the steps below, and decide for yourself which of the steps will be effective at increasing your productivity at work, and that are therefore worth the effort to put into action, and continue using, until you see positive results. These positive results likely will not happen after just one attempt, rather try each step out for at least a week before making a final decision on whether that particular strategy is personally beneficial for you to pursue.
Step 1: Tie Rewarding Tasks for Finishing Work Tasks: To increase your productivity daily at work, you can tie enjoying a rewarding task with accomplishing a less rewarding and/or necessary work-related task.
For example, you can delay enjoying a rewarding task, such as having your first cup of coffee or tea, until after you complete one work-related task. Or, you can delay checking any social media until you've completed three work-related tasks.
Step 2: Shift Your "Productivity" Schedule: Everyone experiences a natural lull in energy at some throughout the day. If you are working outside of the home, in a 9-5 or similar job, that lull in energy typically (but not always) comes during the late afternoon.
Shift your work schedule by one hour so that you are leaving work, or at least not attempting to be highly productive, by 4:00 p.m. or whenever your energy lull happens to be. This will ensure that you have more energy to be productive during work hours that you decide will be productive, and reduces your stress levels by not creating unrealistic expectations of what you should accomplish right before the 5:00 p.m. end of day hits.
Step 3: Snacking to Keep Your Energy and Productivity Up: Continuing with the idea that people naturally have more energy to be highly productive at certain times of day, you should also be aware of how the food you eat can positively increase the energy you have and can help you to be more productive.
Foods, typically fruit such as apples, oranges, and bananas, or other foods like honey and agave, are high in both fructose and sucrose. These are two sugars that serve different energy purposes in your body, one giving you a short term energy boost while the other gives you energy over a longer period of time. In either case, by snacking puposefully, you can help make sure that you have the stamina to finish your work day strong and with the high level of productivity you started your day with.
Step 4: Start and End Your Day With Special Tasks: For most people, the most challenging part of experiencing consistently high levels of productivity is finding the motivation to just start working. To help with this problem, try giving yourself select tasks to work on to start and end your day.
To begin your day successfully and to quickly achieve productivity in your day, the first task you should try to accomplish is something fairly short, simple and/or enjoyable to complete. This will ensure that you finish your first task of the day, and that you are left with positive feelings of motivation and accomplishment from doing so.
To end your day, and prepare for the next day, leave work when you are only halfway done with a particular task that can be completed the next day without having a negative impact on your work. Most people feel uncomfortable with "unfinished" work, and this sense of not finishing your work and the discomfort that comes with it will provide a reliable source of motivation to start your work immediately the next day to be able to get to and complete your previous day's unfinished task.
By the way, if you would like to learn more about productivity strategies, you can download my free audio training "How to Create Your Productive Work Environment" by clicking here:
My name is Jazmin Leon, and I am a certified master coach whose primary work involves guiding clients in how to build positive habits to increase their satisfaction with their ability to balance their professional and personal lives and learning how to develop the work life balance they deserve to live. I have a background in neuroscience and psychology, advanced educational learning techniques and instructional design, and have spent years studying how to effectively prevent and reduce burnout and increase work life balance among busy professionals.

Article Source:

Tuesday 12 November 2019

REACT or RESPOND by Gaur Gopal Das

You Choose to React or Respond

Choices abound. Sometimes choices confound us, while at other times, certain choices are rather obvious. Any way you approach the subject, choices present opportunities to either excel or hinder. As human beings, we were endowed by our Creator with the power of choice. It is one of the factors that differentiate persons from animals. Some people make these choices or decisions more easily than others.
Each day, we must decide how we will spend our precious twenty four hours and deal with all that the world presents to us. We choose how we will be affected by both everyday occurrences and those that are much more extraordinary. Whether consciously or unconsciously, we choose to either react or respond. These are not the same, for one is negative and one is positive. Which we choose may have a significant impact on our life and possibly those close to us.

Reacting to outside influences, usually beyond our control is generally a negative choice. Reacting implies that we have given charge of the situation to someone or something else. We surrender our input and any control in the matter. We are now at the mercy of the situation and are forced to be in reaction mode where we are constantly dodging bullets and expending great amounts of energy just to stay afloat. In reacting to a situation, we do not anticipate that which is to come because we are too busy handling the present. The future then surprises us and the whole mess begins again.

Responding to a situation is a positive choice. It is the opposite of reacting. It is proactive and anticipates that which is yet to come. Responding is preceded by thought and often prayer. In responding, we take charge and have command over how the situation impacts us. We also have control over how it affects us internally. We decide upon the level of personal impact.

Our lives, families, careers and other everyday activities and interests are operating at breakneck speeds and appear at times to be accelerating. One thing is for certain, the old days of sitting around on the front porch each evening listening to Mother Nature are gone for many of us. The pace of life in Mayberry, as healthy and tranquil as it would appear, is unfortunately a thing of the past. We live life on the fast track.
A major news weekly magazine is currently featuring material devoted to stress and distress in our lives and their effects on our cardiovascular health. Although not totally surprising, this information is disturbing. How did we ever get to this point? Witness the number of television commercials and magazine advertisements for gastric distress, acid reflux, anxiety, depression, headaches and other ailments that are increasing in frequency. There are millions of prescriptions written each day for these medical conditions, most of which will find their roots in internalized stress and distress.

People spend many hours of their lives worrying. Worry is a senseless, energy robbing activity that has engulfed many. No one has ever benefited from worry, yet countless people engage in it. Worry is the opposite of faith. Worry is negative while faith is positive. There is no mystery here. Many books have been written on the subject. The conclusions are the same: "Don't Worry, Be Happy" and "Stop Worrying and Start Living" are among the many themes presented. Good advice indeed.

Most areas of life present us with choices. We must choose either to respond or react to circumstances. We choose whether or not to worry. Learn to be aware that you have a choice in these matters. Learn that there are ways that you can deal with everything either positively or negatively. Learn that your choices may influence your very health, both physical and mental. Learn that there will be costs associated with poor choices, worrying and negativity in general. These may include social, monetary, peace of mind and time costs. Certainly, the total cost associated with negative choices is too high.
Learn that positively responding to circumstances in life will significantly reduce or eliminate worry and contribute to your overall good health and well being. Find joy in life. Be happy.

Author Bio
Daniel Sitter is the author of the popular, award-winning e-book, Learning For Profit. Designed for busy people, his new book teaches simple, step-by-step accelerated learning skills, demonstrating exactly how to learn anything faster than ever before. Learning For Profit is currently available at the author's web site and from numerous online book merchants. Mr. Sitter, having expertise in sales, marketing and personal development, is a frequent contributor to several publications.

Monday 11 November 2019

Jim Kwik: 10 Things that Will Change Your Life Immediately

A Change Will Do You Good

As the last rays of summer's warmth ebb away and the gentle breezes of autumn waft themselves upon us, we recognize once again, that change is inevitable. Nature is constantly changing and yet, so many people have the notion that change is frightening.

People are creatures of habit and some find it difficult to adjust to changes that are certain to come our way. Life is like an old, comfortable pair of shoes. We may realize that we need new ones and we may even find new ones we really like, but, we know that changing will cause us discomfort for a little while until we break them in.

Sometimes we need to realize that life isn't always easy. What may be better for us is not what we are used to, but it is certainly worth the trouble of breaking in new habits and lifestyle changes.

Change does not have to be painful. Just look to nature and it will give you clues to how change can be effortless. The beautifully colored autumn leaves do not hang on to the old tree for dear life. No, they yield to the changes with ease and float gently off the tree.

With the coming of autumn we have been busy in our gardens pulling up the old stuff and getting ready for a time of rest. We know that the ground must rest and next year there will be more wonderful things in our garden to delight us.

Are there things in your life that need to be gently eased out of your life? Maybe there are bad relationships or habits or thoughts that need to be weeded out of your life. Don't be afraid to do a little gardening in your own life.

Every gardener knows that unless we get to the roots, we really are not getting rid of the problem. It may go away for awhile but unless we get to the root, it will sneak back into the garden very quickly.

Although the harvest time is here there is no time to stop weeding the garden of our minds. This garden needs constant attention in order for us to flourish and be all that we can be. The only way to keep this garden in top shape is to make sure that no weeds are there trying to strangle any good we are trying to do. The weeds of our mind, of course are negative thoughts that like to creep in and keep us from achieving that which we are striving for.

William James said, "Human beings, by changing the inner attitudes of their minds, can change the outer aspects of their lives.

How do we change the inner attitudes of our minds? By changing the way we think. We must put fear and negativity behind us. How, you ask? Just as the leaves of autumn gently blow from the tree, don't try and make a change in your thinking over night and expect to get instant results. We cannot rip these thoughts out of our minds, as much as we would like to sometimes. No, we need to be gentle on ourselves and let positive thoughts replace the negative.

Yes it will take some work on your part. You must constantly fill your mind with positive thoughts. Proverbs 27: 3 says, As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he. We are what we think. When the negative thoughts come into your mind, you must be ready and willing to replace those thoughts with positive ones. Just say to yourself, no, I won't let that thought take over my mind, I will think positively. Affirmations are good to have readily available so you can replace the negative thought with the positive one. It won't be easy, it won't be hard either, it will just be different, like that new pair of shoes we were talking about earlier.

The autumn leaves fall to make way for new life. We too must go through changes that will bring new growth to our bodies, souls and spirits.

Change is inevitable, so why fight it? Why be afraid of it? Yes, change will require us to do a bit of readjusting but it is always worth it. Don't be afraid of change, a change will do you good.
Author Bio
This article is bought to you by Sharron Myers (
Sharron Myers has been a teacher of Spiritual Truth for over 30 years. She also is a Certified Aromatherapist and Personal Development Consultant. Be sure to check out her site:

Sunday 10 November 2019

Change Your Thoughts, Change Your Circumstances! (Law Of Attraction) Powerful!

Get Anything You Want By Changing Your Thinking!

Money is hard to get for most people. Money can be easy to get for other people. Why is that?

Growing up we aren't taught the proper way of thinking about money. High school doesn't teach us anything useful about it. College doesn't teach any real-world knowledge either. And our parents don't teach us how to think properly about it because they've never been exposed to the laws of attraction that govern the accumulation of money.

Wealthy people know how to THINK about money in the correct way. They learn the proper way of thinking about it to attract it to them. The have discovered the natural laws of attraction that affect how much money enters into their lives. And anyone can learn how to put these laws of attraction to use to increase the amount of money they accumulate.

You may laugh this concept off and say it's b.s., but believe me, wealthy people know the power of these truths. A wealthy person who knows how to think the proper way to attract money can lose every dime they have and by applying these natural laws they can become wealthy again in a short period of time. It happens all the time.


By changing your way of thinking...

Let's take a closer look at the natural laws of attraction concerning money. These laws can be used for finances, relationships, health, and any other area of your life. If you continously think about how little money you have, how hard it is to pay the bills, and how difficult it is to earn more money guess what will happen? You will continue to have only a little money, continue to struggle to pay the bills, and continue to earn what you now earn.

Why is this? Because the natural laws of attraction promise us we get what we think about. If you always focus your thinking on your lack of money you will always have that lack. If you always think about struggling to pay the bills you will always struggle. You get what you think about and this is a truth you cannot escape.

How can you change your thinking about money and put these powerful natural laws of attraction to use? It's a simple process, but it's not easy. It takes a concentrated effort throughout the entire day on your part to consciously realize how you've always thought about money and then make the effort necessary to begin to think differently.


The first step in learning to use the laws of attraction is to be GRATEFUL for what you now have in your life. If you have food, shelter, and clothing you have the basis to change your life by changing your thinking. If you have a decent job, a comfortable place to live, good running vehicle, good family, and some creature comforts you need to take a deep, hard look at these things. You need to write down everything good in your life and realize you could have a lot less than you now have.

You need to be very grateful for these things you possess. Most people aren't grateful for what they already have because they are always thinking about what they don't have. To be grateful for what you now have imagine that you lost everything TOMORROW! You must start over without anything you now possess. You have no job, no home, and no vehicle. Believe me, it happens. Does this thought help move you to be thankful and grateful for what you now have? It should.

It doesn't matter if you earn $15,000, $25,000, or $75,000+ per year. Once you are grateful for what you have your thinking begins to "shift" from your previous way of thinking. You realize how fortunate you are compared to other people. You begin to have an "awareness" of your thinking, and your life, you did not have previously. This awareness opens you up to the next step in the law of attraction.


The next step in putting the natural laws of attraction to use for you involves "expectation." It's now time to concentrate your thinking on expecting more good things and more money to come into your life. You now consciously "shift" your thinking away from what you don't have and concentrate on what you want. You concentrate on being grateful for all the good things that are on their way to you. Even though they may not be here yet you know in your mind they are coming to you. When you constantly are thinking and focusing on more money coming to you guess what happens? More good things, opportunities, and money begin to show up in your life.

You are no longer focusing all your thoughts on what you don't have and what a struggle your life is. You get what you think about. You're now focusing on the good things in your life and you're open to receive the abundance that is on its way to you. You have "shifted" your thinking from the bad to the good and this is very powerful. This opens you up to the laws of attraction and they begin to work in your life.


What you have just read is very powerful information. You may never have been exposed to this way of thinking. Don't feel bad, because most people have never been taught to think this way. We've all heard of thinking positively, but learning about the laws of attraction are much deeper and more powerful than positive thinking. If you can "see" the truth in this way of thinking and can "shift" your daily thoughts to focus on the good things you now have and expect more to come to you then you must take time to learn more about this new way of thinking.

There are many books and websites that will help you to grow. You need to read and learn. This short article cannot provide you will all you need to make these changes. It's difficult to think this way throughout your day, but the more you do it the easier it gets. You will eventually think this way all the time and at that point your life is changing drastically.

We concentrated on attracting money into our lives in this article but this way of thinking will work in all areas of your life. It has totally changed my life in 2 short years. My financial situation, my family life, and my health have all improved. I went from always thinking about what I didn't have in my life to being grateful for what I do have and all that keeps coming to me. My daily attitude is different and my life will never be the same.

And this beautiful way of thinking is available to you anytime you are sick and tired of being sick and tired of your present life. Read and learn more and begin changing your life now...
Author Bio
Doug Allan Dammeier lives in the mountains in western Washington state, USA, and operates and other websites from his home. He offers honest, truthful information for people who would like to begin an internet moneymaking business.

Saturday 9 November 2019

Focus On Yourself And Not Others? (One of the Best Speeches Ever) ft. Eternal Explorer

Is the Law of Attraction Real? What is the Real Secret?

Everyone is lured in by the thought of easy money, especially today. Personal debt is at an all time high and personal savings haven't been this low since the Great Depression. The Law of Attraction seems to promise wealth and abundance simply by thinking about it. Easy money right? Could the Law of Attraction be simply a myth? The truth is out there but it's not what you think.

If you have been to the bookstore lately or checked Amazon's top seller list you will notice that there are several books that are based on the Law of Attraction. The Secret by Rhonda Byrne is one of the most popular right now. Why are these types of books so popular now? I believe it's because people are looking for a way out of the financial messes and the chaos of everyday life today. In our efforts to be more productive and to live up to some fictitious standard we have set for ourselves, we have over complicated our lives and are now getting ready to crash and burn. We have been spoiled and have the "I want it now" syndrome. We want a simpler life, a more meaningful life and we want it now. We want to be wealthy, we want to be debt free, travel the world and we want it now. These books seem to promise and easy way to our dreams.

There is absolutely nothing wrong with these wishes. They are indeed wishes that will lead us in the right direction. The problem is that we can't have them right now just by wishing for them. So is the Law of Attraction a myth? I don't believe it is entirely a myth. I do believe there is energy out there that we can not see but we can tap into if we know how. There is a greater consciousness that holds the answers to all questions and guides the way to all dreams. However, it's not as simple as sitting down and telling yourself that you really want a million dollars and "poof" it's attracted to you. Unfortunately, it is being portrayed that way, like easy money.

The Truth to the Secret

If there is something that you really want, say a million dollars. You should think about it everyday. You should right down your goal. You should brainstorm ideas everyday that will be leading you in the direction of your goal. Make a list of the things you do everyday that are not leading towards your goal. If your goal is to get your bedroom clutter free than is sitting on the couch and watching soap operas getting you closer to your dream? Now some will say," You need some time for yourself and to relax". That's true; you do need to relax at times. That's when meditation is good and plays a crucial role. Meditating will help you to relax and clear your mind from the daily troubles. Most importantly it helps clear away the clutter in your mind and lets you find a clearer, simpler path to what you seek. The answers are already there, you already know the solution to your problem. You just have to relax and listen.

Once you have relaxed it's time to get back to working towards your goal. The more you work towards your goal the more things will start to fall into place and the more opportunities you will see. Is it the Law of Attraction that has made these opportunities available to you? Could it be that you are so focused on your dream and really involved in making it a reality that your eyes are just opened to the opportunities that were always there but you couldn't see them? I think it's more the later.

Take for example two women that want to get their homes clean and clutter free. The clutter is overwhelming them and their husbands are getting very annoyed. They are embarrassed to have anyone over. They both work full time and have two children.

Woman A is very determined about her dream to have a clean home. She thinks about it everyday. She has sat down and made a list of what needs to be done and has figured out the best way to accomplish it. Even though she is tired when she comes home she is determined to make her dream a reality. So, she spends a half hour cleaning a particular room every evening. She devises a routine to keep the rooms clean. She starts having the kids pick up their own clothes and be responsible for their own rooms. She asks her husband to help clean the garage out and to help do the dishes at night so she can have a few more minutes to clean.

As the family sees her get serious about cleaning they get in on the act too. Woman A finds that she needs a bunch of boxes to take stuff to the thrift shop. As she is driving home from work the next day she sees a bunch of clean boxes that someone has thrown out and she brings them home. Was that the Law of Attraction working or did she just know what she needed and therefore her mind was on the lookout to fulfill that need?

It doesn't happen overnight but eventually her hard work pays off and her house is clutter free and beautiful. It makes her feel so much better and her husband and children are happy too. There is no more stress about finding things because everything is organized. Her routine is simple to keep the house looking good and she can relax and take it easy. Life is easier and the stress of knowing that the house needs to be cleaned up is gone.

Now let's take woman B. She too wants her home clean. However, she just complains that the task is just too overwhelming; she doesn't know where to start. She says that she'll clean on the weekend but when the weekend comes she says that she wants to spend time with the kids and relax for awhile. On a day off from work she watches TV and looks around her at the clutter and just feels bad and tells herself that she will never have a clean home. Then she goes shopping to make herself feel better and just comes home with more stuff to fill up her house and has spent more money on nothing.

Her husband and children never help out because they see no motivation on her part. In their eyes she obviously doesn't want the house to be clean that much or else she'd be doing something about it. Nothing is ever attracted to her to help her out because she's not looking. That same pile of boxes was probably there for her too but she drove right by them because she didn't know what she needed. She will never reach her dream and the strain on the marriage and family will always be there like an anchor.

So was there some mysterious force at work attracting things to woman A or was she just simply focused and determined and took the time to clear her thoughts to find a simple path to her dream. Once you get working on something then things do seem to just fall into place. It's getting started that can be the problem. You must force yourself to take action. Sitting and wishing for you dream alone will do nothing to attract it to you. Work for it and it will appear.

So is there some magical thing out there that you can pray to that will make your dreams come true? I don't think so. I believe there is a Law of Attraction but I think it is simply stated this way... if you are determined and are focused on your goal. If you live every minute of your life working towards your goal in some form, then you will know exactly what you need to fulfill your dream and your mind will be on the lookout for it. So opportunities that you never saw before suddenly jump out at you. I don't think this is so much attraction as it is focused attention and energy.

When you have accomplished your goal then you can really relax. You will finally be where you wanted to be instead of relaxing and watching soap operas or football and still wishing you were living your dream. The secret is that nothing comes easy... it just comes easier to those who actively seek what they are looking for.

Seek, and Ye shall find.
Mat 7:7

Author Bio
Jennifer Plouff is an expert in the field of living simply to have more abundance and prosperity. Living debt free and focus on self and family are her main points. You can live the life of your dreams by joining her for free at